
When the relationship between parents breaks down, often this will have an enormous impact on the children. The Law puts children first and so you will need to safeguard the best interests of the children by obtaining sensitive, understanding and practical legal advice.

You will receive our help in focusing on the welfare of the children and to achieve an efficient outcome whether through negotiation, mediation or by an application to the Court. The Children Act 1989 governs most of the law relating to children whether the parents are married or unmarried. You can expect to receive guidance on your rights and responsibilities as a parent and to be assisted in taking whatever action is deemed appropriate.

You can receive expert advice and assistance on such things as a Family Arrangements Order detailing either with whom a child should live or what should be the contact arrangements for the non-resident parent.  We also offer expert advice and assistance concerning Prohibited Steps Orders or a Specific Issue Order.

The Courts will only become involved if there is a dispute between parents which cannot be resolved any other way. You are the parents and best placed to decide what is in the best interests of your children. We can advise you on any aspect of a dispute where children are involved and discuss ways of resolving the problem quickly, cost-effectively and in a conciliatory way.